California Priest 'CANCELLED' After Calling Out Biden, Pope Francis, Bishop & Vaccine

Yet another Catholic priest has been 'cancelled' for daring to criticize the LGBT-friendly hierarchy, pro-abortion Biden, Pope Francis and the covid protocols.

Fr. Francis Gloudeman is a great priest with the Norbertine order in Orange County, California. He recently had his faculties removed after giving a homily that went viral at San Secondo D'asti, parish in Ontario, California, (colloquially referred to as 'Guasti,') a parish he helps out at. Unlike most of the other persecuted priests who are at least warned or admonished first, the hierarchy seemed to drop the hammer quickly on this one.

Fr. Francis is a priest whom I know, he has served my dad's parish for 20 years! I've always liked him, Fr. Francis is a great homilist and confessor. He tells it like it is, as you'll see in the homily below. In June he gave the homily which went viral, in which he admonished San Bernardino, CA bishop Alberto Rojas for being one of 14 bishops who signed a letter allegedly accepting the LGBT lifestyle. (The bishop wrote a letter denying this, you can see that video below.)

But in his homily, Fr. Francis also covered many other "hot button" topics, such as the harmful covid 'vaccine' which he said is killing people, doctors who lie to the public, homo priests, Bill Gates, and priests who are closing churches and deny the faithful the Sacraments.

He pointed out that protestants are challenging the covid lockdowns and filing lawsuits, while the Catholic Church rolls over. He criticized priests who dare to deny Catholics Holy Communion on the tongue, which he correctly points out is every Catholic's right.

"People are leaving to go" other churches, and he names several more traditional Catholic parishes to which people are migrating to, including mine! 😅🙏🏻 Fr. Francis also says that Pope Francis spreads confusion "like a virus!" No wonder they axed him! 😞

Fr. Francis added "A good example of hypocrisy would be Joe Biden. He says he is a good Catholic, but he's the opposite. He supports those things, which are against Catholicism. That is hypocrisy on a grand scale, in front of the whole world!"

Fr. Francis is tough. For many years, he has ridden his bike 45 miles every weekend from St. Michael's Abbey in Orange County to San Secondo D'asti (Guasti.) [Fr. James Altman recently mentioned those very Norbertines in Orange County, in an interview last month.] My family went to Mass at the Norbertine Orange County chapel last summer of 2020 and it was shockingly normal - no roped-off pews, almost no one wearing masks, and the only church with holy water still in the fonts.

For many years Fr. Francis assisted Fr. Luis Marx, who was the beloved pastor, a very devout priest who died on the altar at Guasti saying his prayers before Mass. (Fr. Marx was my niece's Godfather and a friend of my dad.) Fr. Francis is the person who found Fr. Marx, dead! 😨😞🙏🏻 He once told my wife and I that story. We had been doing our daily hour of Eucharistic Adoration. The church was completely empty, but he waited for us to finish, and then he let us out and after he locked the doors, he told us the story of how he found Fr. Marx, dead in his chair on the altar.

Here's a great interview with Fr. Francis and John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews (after his viral homily but before he was suspended)

Fr. Francis Gloudeman's full original 34-minute homily is here:

Bishop Alberto Rojas of San Bernardino, the one who Fr. Gloudeman criticized, wrote a very reasonable-sounding letter, saying that Fr. Francis misinterpreted his position, and that he upholds church teaching against homosexual activity, which he affirmed is a sin. 🙄🤷🏼‍♂️ A priest reads the bishops letter here on the Guasti parish facebook page: (6-minute video.)

However, after reading the actual letter that Bishop Rojas signed, you'll see there's nothing whatsoever that warns LGBT adherents that their lifestyle is sinful. The letter is actually very short, you can read it here. Here are some excerpts:

"All people of goodwill should help, support, and defend LGBT youth."

"The Catholic Church values the God-given dignity of all human life and we take this opportunity to say to our LGBT friends, especially young people, that we stand with you..."

"Most of all, know that God created you, God loves you and God is on your side."


Note that San Secondo D'asti parish erased Fr. Francis' video off of their Facebook page, but Lifesitenews saved it.

Also note that I know a large devout homeschooling family, former parishioners of San Secondo, that told me they were literally kicked out of San Secondo D'asti parish during Mass last year because they refused to wear masks. I asked them specifically who did it, & the dad told me it was a Knights of Columbus usher who kicked them out. They then stood on the sidewalk outside church property, only looking in. They now attend my parish, which Fr. Francis mentions in his homily. (As of June 2021 Guasti had slacked off the mask enforcement, but had hurt a lot of good people in the meantime, who had left the parish, as Fr. Francis explained.)

More info on Fr. Gloudeman:

WOW I just found this website 😇🙏🏻 It has hundreds of hours of Fr. Francis classes, on many topics!! 😮👏🏻👍🏻😊


  • 2020-2021: Works of Mercy
  • 2019-2020: Bible Apologetics
  • 2018-2019: Old and New Mass
  • 2017-2018: Forgiveness

That makes 4 priests whom I like & know who have been cancelled! Fr. Phil Wolfe, FSSP, Fr. Altman, & Fr. Francis. (Fr. Dan Nolan FSSP was cancelled for a while because of his anti-mask & anti-vax comments, but his FSSP superiors recently let him back on YouTube.)

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  2. Thank you for your blog. I am still shocked that this happened to Fr. Francis. He is one of the most effective and loving Priest that has ministered to my family and so many others. He has so much love and empathy in the confessional and he is tireless in serving others. God bless you Fr. Francis. We pray for you everyday.

  3. Fr Wolfe? FSSP Fr Wolfe has been canceled? Why?

    1. No one will talk about it, they just say that he is "in isolation" at an undisclosed location ,not assigned to any parish. He is a great priest!!

  4. Pray for our good faithful priests laboring in the vineyards under heterophobic radical liberal bishops ready to punish them on a nano-second for "disrespect" when they dare to speak the Truth.


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