FatherAltman.org Yet another Catholic priest has been 'cancelled' for daring to criticize the LGBT-friendly hierarchy, pro-abortion Biden, Pope Francis and the covid protocols. Fr. Francis Gloudeman is a great priest with the Norbertine order in Orange County, California. He recently had his faculties removed after giving a homily that went viral at San Secondo D'asti, parish in Ontario, California, (colloquially referred to as 'Guasti,') a parish he helps out at. Unlike most of the other persecuted priests who are at least warned or admonished first, the hierarchy seemed to drop the hammer quickly on this one. Fr. Francis is a priest whom I know, he has served my dad's parish for 20 years! I've always liked him, Fr. Francis is a great homilist and confessor. He tells it like it is, as you'll see in the homily below. In June he gave the homily which went viral, in which he admonished San Bernardino, CA bishop Alberto Rojas for being one of 14 bish...